Source: Rekord.js

 * Creates a Rekord object given a set of options. A Rekord object is also the
 * constructor for creating instances of the Rekord object defined.
 * @namespace
 * @param {Object} options
 *        The options of
function Rekord(options)
  var promise = Rekord.get( );

  if ( promise.isComplete() )
    return promise.results[0];

  Rekord.trigger( Rekord.Events.Options, [options] );

  var database = new Database( options );

  var model = new Function('return function ' + database.className + '(props, remoteData) { this.$init( props, remoteData ) }')(); // jshint ignore:line
  model.prototype = new Model( database );

  database.Model = model;
  model.Database = database;

  Rekord.classes[ ] = model;

  Rekord.trigger( Rekord.Events.Plugins, [model, database, options] );

  if ( Rekord.autoload )
    database.loadBegin(function onLoadFinish(success)
      if ( success )
    Rekord.unloaded.push( database );

  Rekord.get( ).resolve( model );
  Rekord.get( database.className ).resolve( model );

  Rekord.debug( Rekord.Debugs.CREATION, database, options );

  return model;

Rekord.classes = {};

Rekord.autoload = false;

Rekord.unloaded = [];

Rekord.loadPromise = null;

Rekord.load = function(callback, context)
  var promise = Rekord.loadPromise = Rekord.loadPromise || new Promise( null, false );
  var loading = Rekord.unloaded.slice();
  var loaded = [];
  var loadedSuccess = [];

  promise.success( callback, context || this );

  Rekord.unloaded.length = 0;

  function onLoadFinish(success, db)
    loadedSuccess.push( success );
    loaded.push( db );

    if ( loaded.length === loading.length )
      for (var k = 0; k < loaded.length; k++)
        var db = loaded[ k ];
        var success = loadedSuccess[ k ];

        if ( success )


  for (var i = 0; i < loading.length; i++)
    loading[ i ].loadBegin( onLoadFinish );

  return promise;

Rekord.promises = {};

Rekord.get = function(name)
  var existing = Rekord.promises[ name ];

  if ( !existing )
    existing = Rekord.promises[ name ] = new Promise( null, false );

  return existing;

 * A value which identifies a model instance. This can be the key of the model,
 * an array of values (if the model has composite keys), an object which at
 * least contains fields which identify the model, an instance of a model, the
 * reference to a Rekord instance, or a function.
 * If a plain object is given and it shares the same key as an existing model -
 * the other fields on the object will be applied to the existing instance. If
 * a plain object is given and it's key doesn't map to an existing model - a new
 * one is created.
 * If a reference to a Rekord instance is given - a new model instance is created
 * with default values.
 * If a function is given - it's invoked and the returning value is used as the
 * value to identify the model instance.
 * @typedef {String|Number|String[]|Number[]|Object|Rekord|Rekord.Model|Function} modelInput

  * A key to a model instance.
  * @typedef {String|Number} modelKey

addEventful( Rekord );

Rekord.Events =
  Initialized:  'initialized',
  Plugins:      'plugins',
  Options:      'options',
  Online:       'online',
  Offline:      'offline'

var Cascade =
  None:       0,
  Local:      1,
  Rest:       2,
  NoLive:     3,
  Live:       4,
  NoRest:     5,
  Remote:     6,
  All:        7

function canCascade(cascade, type)
  return !isNumber( cascade ) || (cascade & type) === type;

var Cache =
  None:       'none',
  Pending:    'pending',
  All:        'all'

var Store =
  None:   0,
  Model:  1,
  Key:    2,
  Keys:   3

var Save =
  None:   0,
  Model:  4,
  Key:    5,
  Keys:   6

var Load =
  None:   0,
  All:    1,
  Lazy:   2,
  Both:   3

var RestStatus =
  Conflict:   {409: true},
  NotFound:   {404: true, 410: true},
  Offline:    {0: true}